Tuesday, November 29, 2016

   “Kindness is the essence of greatness”
                -Joseph B. Wirthlin
Kindness is a passport that opens doors and fashions friends.It softens hearts and mold relationships that can last lifetimes.Treat everyone with kindness and respect, even those who are rude to you not because they are nice but because you are the nice one.Kindness is the golden thread that keeps us together.Whatever regardless of his or her decisions deserves kindness. As we arise each morning let us determine to respond with more love and kindness to whatever might come our way.Everyday of our lives we are given opportunities to show love and kindness to those around us.

                                                         Thanksgiving Week
During thanksgiving break i went to my cousin’s house to sleep over.Then the next day i was drawing for 3hr. and then i went outside and played soccer with my neighbor. i went to the mall to go and buy a new sweater, shoes, iphone case, and to buy clothes.Then we had gotten home at 12:00p.m so we went to the store to get things to cook because me, my mom, and my sister we going to help my mom cook. After that, the next day had passed and we went to the beach. We had a good time because i spend time with my family and we came home at 5:00p.m and we all took showers and changed.Then after we finish doing all of that we had went to the movie theater to watch the movies “Moana” and “Fantastic Beast and where can you find them”,we came out at 10:p.m because one of the movies were 2hrs long.On Wednesday we went out to eat and when we came home we went to Bakersfield to visit my aunt and we had to pack clothes because we were going to spend the last 5days over there.Later that day i went in the pool she had.then on thanksgiving day we all thanked god for everything he gave us. Then on Sunday at 8:00p.m we have left because our thanksgiving break was over and when we were leaving i was getting my wet clothes and my cousin had pushed me in the pool so i had to shower and change again.Then we went home and slept and it was Monday. 

Friday, November 18, 2016

                                       “Manners maketh man.”

                                               -William wykeham
What i understand about the quote is that if you have manners and you respect others they will respect you because of the way you are treating them.Also if you have manners you know what to say for example when you burp you have to say “excuse me” or “i’m sorry”.Then when you are trying to pass you say “excuse me” or “can you please move so that i can pass…..”then you say “thank you’.Manners is very important in life because you have to have manners everywhere you go so that you look like a person that cares on how manners work .

Monday, November 7, 2016

“1.Have the courage to say no.           
2.Have the courage to face the truth.                           
3.Do the right thing because it is right.”
These are the 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity.      
                                                                      -W.Clement Stone

What i understand from the quote it that if we heard people trying to give us something bad we have to have to courage to say no because you know it is wrong.You shouldn’t be afraid to say no because you are standing for what is right and not wrong.We also have to have courage to face the truth because without you facing the truth you know you will have it as a memory.You have to face the truth because if you don't you know it will affect you mentally and you will have to live with it all you life,and when you confence you won’t feel nervous and things like that,When we do the right thing because it is right we are showing other people that they can do the same we can.So when you need to do something that is right you should do it because it is the right thing to do and you want to show people what is right and what is wrong.There are 2 different words that describe what you do “good” or “bad” which one describes you as the person you are right now.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

“He that walketh with wise men shall be wise:but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.” -Proverbs 13:20

What this quote is trying to say is that if you hang out with the wrong crowd you get bad things in return and you don’t do anything you have to do.Also if you do hang out with the wrong crowd you won’t get things done the way others want it.Then if you don’t hang out  with the wrong crowd you start to do the right things and accomplish what you want to accomplish.Don’t the the wrong group of people get in you way because they you will become like them.You can’t have bad friends that make you do the wrong thing,you have to have riends that hepl you and give you a hand when you need their help,




1. yes
2 yes
3. yes
5. yes

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Image result for “The best recreation is to do good”

       “The best recreation is to do good” -William Penn
What he is trying to say it that the best recreation you do will be good because of the things you do.For example,when you are doing something people that walk by always comment that they like it.That is when you can recreate things that you done in the past now.But when you do this you will start recreating things that you never finished or started on.