Wednesday, October 5, 2016


                                               By: James E. Faust
"When obedience becomes or goal,it is no longer an irritation;instead if a stumbling block,it becomes a building block."

In our life there is always obedience and you have to obey what comes into our life because it might be fun,sad,dangerous,and etc.So you have to choose the right every time so that peolpe can trust you.Obedience is apart of everyones life no matter what happens becayse it will always stick with you anytime and you have to obey that.When you obey thing you might learn to trust yourslef and have faith in your self.You will be able to everyonr trust you as long as you choose the right all the time.And when you disobey everyone will come against you and we wouldn't have no one to trust you and you wouldn't trust yourslef.So that is why you shoukd always ''CHOOSE THE RIGHT''.

 Image result for "When obedience becomes our goal,it is no longer an irritation;instead of a stumbling block,it becomes a building block."Image result for obedience

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